
Taxes & Incentives

An Effective Environment for Business

Grow your business with competitive taxes and a range of incentive programs in the Lynchburg region. From the state corporate income tax that has held steady at 6% since 1972 to the low cost of living that keeps wages reasonable, employers here find added capacity and increased productivity.

Virginia is currently ranked No. 8 nationally for business incentives, boosted by key discretionary incentives like the Commonwealth Development Opportunity Fund — a deal-closing fund —  and several grants for capital investment and job creation. The Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance collaborates with businesses to ensure capital investments and relocations are practical, compelling, and cost-effective.


State for Business Incentive Programs

Area Development, 2023

Corporate Tax Rate in Virginia Since the 1970s

VEDP, 2024

State for Business (Virginia)

CNBC, 2024
Lower Tax with Increased Impact

A Stable Tax Environment for Businesses


Unchanged since 1972, Virginia’s corporate income tax rate remains at 6% — lower than the national median. The combined state and local sales tax is either 5.3% or 6%, depending on the locality.

Sales and Use Tax

  • The total tax is 5.3% (4.3% state tax and 1% local tax).
  • A seller is subject to a sales tax on gross receipts derived from retail sales or leases of taxable tangible personal property.
  • Manufacturers do not pay tax on purchases used for production; distributors do not pay tax on items purchased for resale.

Other Taxes

  • In the Lynchburg region, real estate tax ranges from $0.52 per $100 assessed value to $1.11 per $100 assessed value.
  • The region boasts some of the nation’s lowest machine & tool tax rates. For example, in Amherst County, the machinery and tools tax is 25% of $2.00 per $100 of the original cost.
  • Most localities in the Lynchburg region levy a business personal property tax.

Additionally, a number of tax credits are available in the state, including:

  • Worker Training Tax Credit
  • Research and Development Expenses Tax Credits
  • Green Job Tax Credit
  • Port Volume Tax Credit
  • International Trade Facility Tax Credit
  • Barge and Rail Usage Tax Credit
  • New Company Incentive Program
A Handshake that Means Something

The Lynchburg Region Goes to Bat for Companies


The state of Virginia’s business incentive program was ranked No. 8 in the nation by Area Development for 2023, led by an attractive list of grants and tax credits that continue to grow businesses within the Lynchburg region. Key discretionary incentives include the Commonwealth’s Development Opportunity Fund, which acts as a deal-closing fund, the Virginia Investment Partnership Grant for facility modernization, the Major Eligible Employer Grant for significant employment increases, and grants targeting maritime commerce and agricultural businesses.

Several local and state incentives are also available including:

Local Incentives

  • Technology Zones
  • Enterprise Zones
  • Opportunity Zones
  • Foreign Trade Zones
  • New Market Tax Credits
  • Assistance with utility fees and charges
  • Delivery of infrastructure to sites & buildings
  • Write-down of costs of sites & buildings
  • Capital Investment Programs
  • Redevelopment Programs
  • Real Estate Rehab & Renovation Tax Credits
  • James River Arts & Cultural District Program
  • Tourism Zone

State Incentives

Tools & Resources

Why LYH Region?

Imagine a place where opportunity meets community, and you’ll find yourself at the Edge of the Blue Ridge.

Find Your Reason

Success Stories

Manufacturers, professional services, and nuclear technology companies scale to greatness in the welcoming and talent-ready region of Lynchburg.

Sample Greatness

Trade Assistance

The Alliance can connect your company to the right people and resources for a successful international trade operation.

Expedite Exports

Contact Us

Headshots and a group photo are taken for Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance partners on May 16, 2024 (Photo by KJ Jugar

Megan A. Lucas

CECD, CCE, IOM CEO & Chief Economic Development Officer
Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance
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